Riverside University Health System
Indio Community Health Center
This website is a service of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide locations for HIV, STI, and viral hepatitis testing, along with HPV and viral hepatitis vaccines in the United States and its territories.
47-923 Oasis St Indio, CA 92201
Phone Number
(800) 720-9553 (Toll Free)
E-mail : Not available
The hours of operation may change. Please visit the organization's website to verify.
Contact organization for eligibility 760-863-8283
Payment and Low Cost Options:
- Insurance Accepted
- Medicaid Accepted
- Medicare Accepted
- Sliding Scale
- HIV Test (blood draw)
- Chlamydia Test
- Gonorrhea Test
- Syphilis Test
- Adult Hepatitis B Vaccine
- Hepatitis A Vaccine
- Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV)
- Case Management
- Adolescents/Youth/Teens
- Adults
- At Risk Persons
- General Public
- Low Income Persons
- People with STI
- Persons with HIV/AIDS
- Persons with TB
- Pregnant Women
- English
- Spanish
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